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Love at Swan's Cove

Love at Swan's Cove

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He can build anything but a relationship.
She heals others to avoid her own pain.

It’s been two years since Patrick Miller’s wife died in an accident, and every since
then it’s been a struggle to maintain his relationship with his 7year-old adhd son,
Jacob. In hopes of providing a more nurturing environment for his son – Patrick
moves to Inheritance Bay to set up as a contractor in the up and coming town.
From day one it goes wrong. Jacob has an episode and runs away from him right
into the arms of yoga instructor, Sylva Cattrell.

Sylvia became a yoga teacher to give people a sense of peace and control. All
the things she didn’t have since she walked away from her career as therapist.
Meeting Jacob brings up old feelings she thought were buried, meeting Patrick
stirs dreams she thought were dead. When Patrick asks Sylvia to stay with them
for a week for Jacob’s sake Sylvia can’t say no.

Patrick and Sylvia must push through their old biases and scars to discover
an unconditional love that heals?

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