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Finding Family

Finding Family

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Synopsis and Look Inside


In the charming town of Holly, Christmas isn't just a season—it's an opportunity to find true love. Holly has an enchanted bouquet to find live and local heartthrob Henry Cobble, a romantic who believes in love and is waiting for it every season.

Sophia, an out-of-work trainer with a heart as strong as her muscles, wins the bond and finds herself unexpectedly paired with Henry for the holiday season. All she’s ever wanted is to be loved for who she truly is.

As the magic of Christmas unfolds, Henry and Sophia discover that the real gift isn't in the bond but in the spirit of giving and the unexpected feelings they begin to share. But can two people from such different worlds find common ground, survive the holiday madness, and unwrap the greatest gift of all—true love?

Get your copy today!

Look Inside

Henry Cobb didn’t like crowds.

Henry knew people didn’t mean to stare at him, but it was hard not to. The average woman was about 5 foot 6 and the average man 5 foot 8. At six-foot 2 Henry knew everyone could see him coming. It was also hard to miss his olive toned skin that he got from his mother and his dark curly hair that had the dreaded curls that had to biweekly but cut at the barbers.

Today was the beginning of the 25 days to Christmas Countdown. In the town of Holly, it was also one of the most profitable days. Just last week the final selection had been made about who would be Mr. and Mrs. Claus. His friend Steven Burgess and Isabella Smith were made for one another. The rumor was they might get married on the day of the parade. Personally, Henry didn’t really care about the wedding as long as his friend Steven was happy.

“Oh! My you are so tall and dashing!” a tourist said as she waited at the front oh restaurant, called “The Good Spirit.”

“Good afternoon ladies. How many are in your party?” he replied with his work smile.

The two young women batted their eyelashes at him and flashed their shopping bags.

“Two unless you want to join us?” the young lady with blonde hair said smiling. Henry was used to customers like this. Instead of replying he smiled and looked around the dining room. He saw his staff moving efficiently clearing up tables and serving the guests.

“If you two ladies could wait about 5-10 minutes I’ll have a table for you.”

The blonde looked around and noticed the empty table by the window.

“Oh, we’ll take that table over there,” she said and then turned to wave her friend along. Before she could take a second step Henry stepped in front of her.

“I’m sorry that table is not available.”

“Is it reserved? I mean I don’t see a sign on the table. “She replied in a snippy tone.

Henry held his peace. It was always a challenge when he had to tell tourists no. His height didn’t do him any favors as a majority of the people who visited were women. He was also a private man Having to explain that the reason he didn’t want anyone to sit at that table was because it was his parents’ table. His parents were no longer alive. They had both passed away five years ago. Never had Henry seen two people who were so in love.

Everyone in the town of Holly loved his parents. They only saw his parents when they were outside, but when Henry was home with them, he was bathed in love day and night. When they passed away, he couldn't even imagine someone else sitting at their table. No one spoke to him about it, but everybody knew why no one said at that table.

Now he had to deal with these tourists who saw the table not as a symbol of the love of his parents, but as the prime spot in the restaurant to sit.

“So, can we sit at the table? You know it's not very fair to make us wait when there is something available,” she spouted.

“Ladies what seems to be the trouble?”

Henry saw Mary and he let out a sigh of relief. To help out with the Christmas rush that Henry knew was coming, he hired a new front desk girl named Mary to help out. He wasn't really sure what Mary did before this, but whatever it was, she was really good at getting people to listen to her, calm down and then have a seat.

“The problem is, is that we can't be seated in the place we'd like to be. There's a perfectly good table over there by the window and we would like to sit there.”

“I completely understand your preference. I suppose that Henry didn't explain to you, though, that that table is kind of like a town monument.”

“A monument?” The blonde said.

Mary shook her head in agreement.

“Yes. You see that table belonged to two of the most beloved members of this town. They loved each other so much, and we loved them as well, that when they both passed away, we dedicated that table to them. If you like, I can let you walk by it. It said that if you touch one of the chairs that you have a better chance of falling in love.”

The young ladies looked at the chair with a new perspective. Henry looked at Mary and was so grateful that he had hired her.

“Well, we don't need to sit there. We're too young to be falling in love and getting shackled down now.”

Mary smiled.

“I completely understand and if you will go ahead and follow the young man here, he will take you to your table.”

“Thank you so much for clearing that up. If he had only explained it to us, of course, we would have waited.” The blonde said conspiratorially, as if Henry could not hear her standing there. When they had both been taken away, Henry turned toward Mary.

“You don't think the whole thing about touching it and finding new love was a little bit over the top? Henry asked.

Mary shrugged her shoulders.

“What could I do? I got no warning, and you gave me so little time in order to make it all better.”

Henry smiled at her and then gave her a nod.

“Thanks, Mary.”

“How could I not help out my boss?”

Maybe that was the problem that Henry was having. He didn't think anybody did anything just for him. They did something to help out the guy who had the best restaurant. Maybe they’d do something to help him out so he might be able to get a discount from the guy who owns the best restaurant. Even listening to Mary now he knew that she was doing it because he was her boss.

No one seemed to know Henry the person, only Henry the man with an asset. Ugh he tried to break this mood. Every year as the air started to be kissed by the coming cold, he could feel his mood begin to change. Everyone was so happy, and he still had this empty hole in his heart that was longing for something, not even Henry was sure still existed in the world, unconditional love.

His parents loved Christmas. He had grown up in a household where everyone was recognized as a person. He lived in a house where he saw love every day. He grew up with the expectation that he too would find a person who would share his life and be his friend.

Henry looked at the empty table and felt a sense of longing for a dream he wasn’t sure he’d ever find.

“Hey, you are thinking in the clouds again?” A nervous Peter Wilson said as he came to the podium. Henry looked at his friend and his wife Evelyn who looked like a regal queen. Henry knew Peter and Evelyn were having problems. It made his heart weep to see the two people who reminded him most of his parents.

“I’ve been waiting for you two to make your appearance. The tourists should see how Holly does love,” Henry said.

Evelyn looked at him and smiled. At five foot two she was a walking pixie queen. She came complete with a pixie haircut. When she looked at him, he felt her kindness. As Peter continued to talk and Henry cast a glance at Evelyn looking at Peter, he could see the raw love and devotion in her eyes. He wasn’t sure what the issue was, but the one thing Henry knew was Evelyn was still madly in love with her husband.

As if on cue for the early dinner crowd the honorary Mr. and Mrs. Claus came into the restaurant.

“Steven, welcome and also to you, Isabella.”

“Stop trying to play up to her. You know she’ll put you in the urban woman podcast.” Steven grumbled.

Isabella took as step in front of Steve and leaned against the podium.

“I hear there is a committee that meets about something called the Christmas Bond party,” Isabella asked.

“Yes, it’s like an auction. We have a party where everyone bids on the items and then we give the proceeds from the Bond to the Christmas Committee. The committee pays for the parade and also provides gifts to families that have need.”

“That sounds amazing!” Isabella commented.

“Really Bella? Steven asked.

“Yes, I think it’s a great idea. The real question is why aren’t you in it?” Isabella eyed Steven

Steven looked at Isabella and then at Henry.

“Henry don’t leave me out here!”

Henry shrugged.

“What can I say. I think it would be great if you joined. You know the more the merrier,” Henry smiled.

“Great! Now I would like some of those amazing tapas you made before.” Isabella said to Henry with a smile.

“Mary will take you to your table.” Henry replied. As Steven walked by Henry whispered.

“Your application to the auction must be in by tomorrow. The auction is in two days.”

Steven shook his head.

“E tu Henry,” Steven moaned.

“Sorry, she knows my weakness and has gathered her female forces to win me over.” Henry said nodding toward Isabella.

“What?” Steven asked confused.

“Her mother exchanges recipes with me. What is a cook to do?” Henry shrugged.

“She does what – Bella is that true?”

Henry watched Steven catch up to Isabella and was once again happy to see his friends on the way to the dream, even if it appeared there would be no one for him.

His friends had suggested he leave Holly. They would miss him, but this would always be his home. It was hard for him to explain to them. Henry looked at the empty table by the window. Holly was his home. The restaurant was a reminder and a gift of what could be.

If it was going to happen it would be here. One day he would find the one and they would sit at the table by the window.

“Excuse me?”

Henry was brought out of his reverie by the next patrons. A young couple with an unsure young man.

“We have no reservation and we heard this is a good place to eat. It’s a year anniversary.” The young man leaned closer to Henry. “I know its dinner, but can we still order the lunches?”

Henry saw the young lady next to him looking nervous.

“Are you from around here? I haven’t seen you before.”

The young man swallowed.

“I just started driving the truck between here and Pine Valley.”

“Ah the town over. Well good thing we have discounts for workers from the Valley.”

The young man’s eyes lit up and he could see the man stand a little taller.

When Mary came over Henry smiled

“You’re in good hands.”

When Henry gave Mary the menus he whispered in her ear.

“Give them all the menu a complimentary dessert and the bill should be 30 dollars no matter the order. Charge it to me.”

She nodded her head and mouthed. “Softy”

Henry watched the young couple in love walk away. Then he looked back at the table.

“I just have to be patient. My love will come.” He said to himself.